Gallery canvas

Limited works on gallery canvas and stretcher frame!

A stretcher frame is a wooden frame that is covered with a canvas on which an artwork is printed. The stretcher frame is located behind the canvas fabric and is therefore not visible. The gallery stretcher frame refers to the frame specifically used for displaying artwork in a gallery or museum. This frame is usually deeper at 4cm and more robust than a normal stretcher frame to support the weight and size of larger paintings or artworks.

Galleries often use gallery stretcher frames to present artworks that are being offered for sale. It is also common for artists to paint their artworks on gallery stretcher frames to display them in exhibitions or galleries.

In general, the choice of stretcher frame is determined by the type of artwork, the size of the painting, and the style of the artist. A gallery stretcher frame can be made in various sizes to meet the requirements of the artwork and ensure optimal presentation.